For obvious reasons (marriage), 2015 was super extra good to me. I can, without a doubt, say it has been one of the best and most eventful years of my life. 2016 has a lot to live up to, but I'm hopeful it will meet or exceed my expectation.

So, with no further a do, my 2015 in a nutshell:
I turned 25 - a quarter century! I sampled all the wedding cake flavors. I got the game ball at an OSU basketball game. I made a pallet coffee cup holder (Cole helped). I competed on team Jared & the Beanstalks at Fittest in OK crossfit competition. I got my one year gym bag from Koda Crossfit. My coffee cup collection grew by leaps and bounds. I was on the media team for Cupid's Revenge couple's crossfit competition (Cole & I will be competing this year!). I drank a little too much and ran through downtown OKC in my undies.....all to raise money to #EndNF (I'll be doing that again in '16 - donate to the cause here). I admitted I had an obsession with birds and owls. I planned a wedding. I ate really extra clean and got abs in preparation for said wedding. I started flossing....and kept it up. I participated in the Crossfit Open. I decided it was time I got my nails done on a regular basis. I road tripped to the Pink Pistol and finally marked their root beer float off my bucket list. We had a lot of wedding showers and I opened more presents than I ever imagined (thank you guys). I was invited to Roxy's Ice Cream soft opening. I decorated our home. I scored the fastest 500m row in the gym. I took part in my first #CCBeautySwap. I directed a 5k/10k race. I joined the 200 pound back squat club. I was the guest of honor at my bachelorette party. I GOT MARRIED! I honeymooned in the Bahamas. I swam with pigs. I went to several OKC Energy games. I PR'd a lot, and then I PR'd again. I fell head over heels for brunch....and donuts. I met Joey & Heather from Wild 104.9. I cheered for the Cowboys at every OSU home game. I finally, finally, got double-unders (mostly...). I got sent to Padre for a work conference. I became a contributing writer for Oklahoma Farm & Ranch Magazine. We renovated our kitchen. I vacationed in NYC and loved every single second. I ate breakfast at Tiffany's. I sat on the MET steps like Serena Van Der Woodsen. I found the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. apartment. I made it to the Top of the Rock. I devoured Serendipity's Frozen Hot Chocolate. I saw The Lion King on Broadway. I tried a Magnolia Cupcake. I crossed the Brooklyn Bridge. For Halloween, we dressed up as Andy and Brand from Goonies. I completely and totally changed my way of eating...and am loving it so far (hello, IIFYM). I was promoted. I visited my family in Kentucky for Christmas. I toured an underground brewery from the prohibition era underneath downtown Cincinnati. I spent my New Years Eve in comfy clothes with good food and better friends....I may be getting "old" or "lame," but never boring. Here's to 2016 and what it holds!
A few resolutions, goals and plans for the upcoming year:
- Work on my decreasing mobility - yoga, stretching, barre, rolling out....whatever it takes.
- Learn to do my makeup better
- Join the 200# front squat club
- Be the hardest working person in whatever I am doing - aka don't half ass it (gym, diet, work, future plans)
- Find contentment where I am, while working towards what I want
- Related: Figure out what it is I really want
- Road trip to the Magnolia Silos
- Sign my name on the wall at the Copper Penny
- Make a difference doing something I'm passionate about
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