One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say something along the lines of, "I can't workout, eat healthy or lose weight because ____." Because they have kids, because they don't have time, because it's too expensive, because they have a bad knee or a bad shoulder, because they have bad genes, because they have an allergy or health issue, etc. etc. etc. UGH!! Excuses! I know it is hard and can seem impossible at times (trust me, been there), but in reality, it's simple. If you want to see a change, you have to make a change. Make time, make healthy choices, and make priorities. Make it happen!
I am a first hand example of that: I had shoulder surgery in November and was forced to stop working out for six weeks. I could have stuffed my face with Christmas cookies and felt sorry for myself that whole time, but instead I really dug in and focused on my nutrition. I did the best I could with what I had to work with and because of that I've actually trimmed up post-op....even without working out! Now that I have been released to do a few light activities, I make them a daily priority. Working out has always been a part of my routine and I want to keep it that way! Even if my workouts are just taking the dogs for a walk and doing air squats in-between my shoulder PT exercises, I do them, and that is what counts.